The world's first skills based, decentralised, self governed resolution payment gateway.

  • Easy Resolution Options
  • Automatic Payment Release
  • Smart Contracts & Atomic Swaps
  • Smart Invoicing & Reporting
  • 3 Flexible Transaction Types
  • Security & Privacy

Pay only if the work or goods have been delivered according to agreement and relevant standards.

  • Easy Resolution Options
  • Automatic Payment Release
  • Smart Contracts & Atomic Swaps
  • Smart Invoicing & Reporting
  • 3 Flexible Transaction Types
  • Security & Privacy

Complete suite of business tools to make invoicing, quoting, generating reports and reconciling easy!

  • Easy Resolution Options
  • Automatic Payment Release
  • Smart Contracts & Atomic Swaps
  • Smart Invoicing & Reporting
  • 3 Flexible Transaction Types
  • Security & Privacy

Make money by helping other people resolve their disputes. Excellent earning potential!

  • Easy Resolution Options
  • Automatic Payment Release
  • Smart Contracts & Atomic Swaps
  • Smart Invoicing & Reporting
  • 3 Flexible Transaction Types
  • Security & Privacy

Based on the universal message of the bible, FTP will integrate perfectly with both Jewish, Christian, Sharia and any common law.

  • Easy Resolution Options
  • Automatic Payment Release
  • Smart Contracts & Atomic Swaps
  • Smart Invoicing & Reporting
  • 3 Flexible Transaction Types
  • Security & Privacy

Fair Trader Platform will be able to both issue a TAX invoice as well as operate in Anonymous mode.

  • Easy Resolution Options
  • Automatic Payment Release
  • Smart Contracts & Atomic Swaps
  • Smart Invoicing & Reporting
  • 3 Flexible Transaction Types
  • Security & Privacy

Invoice directly
from your wallet

Invoice customers directly from your smart phone or iPad with work description, terms and resolution options.


All funds are locked until designated time or when purchasing conditions have been met.

Easy Mediation
& Resolution

Resolve conflicts with ease with the ability to reverse or forward the transaction if one party refuses to co-operate.

Trust Score

Know whom you are dealing with before you enter into a transaction.

Built for the benefit of the community

Easy 5 Step Process


Send Invoice with Terms & Conditions

Invoice directly from your wallet with work description, terms & conditions, delivery date and mediation options.


Secure Payment

Payment is secured and inaccessible to anyone until goods or services have been delivered according to the agreement


Automatic Payment Release

Payments are automatically released on the day of the agreement, once the buying conditions have been met.


Easy Resolution ( if needed )

Easy resolution options are available if Buyer and Seller are unable to come to an agreement on how to settle the dispute. 


Trust Score Rating

Trust score ratings updated for all parties involved

Your complete solution to safe commerce in cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies

Trade with confidence in your favorite crypto currency including Bitcoin, Etherium, privacy coins, stable coins as well as digital Yuan.

We respect peoples privacy and Fair Trader can operate in anonymous mode, whilst still providing the same level of security and easy resolution to conflicts between buyer and seller of goods and services.

Full suite of business tools at your fingertips FREE to all FTP users

Fair Trader will be designed with a complete suite of business tools to make business transactions, invoicing, generating reports and reconciling easy! And its provided FREE of charge to all FTP users.

Easy and secure payment systems perfectly suited to run a business

Full suite of business tools

Invoice directly from your smart phone with your terms and resolution options

The invoice will be automatically updated if the payment is halted or being reviewed by a mediator though the use of the block chain.

Safe and Secure

All funds are locked until designated time once purchasing conditions have been met.

Neither party can withdraw the funds including the mediator or FTP community members. The mediator can only forward or reverse the transaction but cannot assign it to any other wallet.  

Automatic Payment Release

 Receive payments on the day the goods or service has been delivered

If no delays are encountered, the funds will be released upon delivery of goods or services. The buyer has the option to halt payment and ask the mediator to step in at anytime during the transaction to resolve any conflict.

Easy Resolution

Access to a global mediator network with multiple skill sets ready to assist you

Fair Trader will provide easy resolution options not just for online shopping, but also in technical industries such as construction, engineering, software development, Import/Export, and much more.

Trust Score Rating

Know whom you are dealing with before you enter into a transaction

Fair Trader is designed to prevent fraud and the trust score rating will provide valuable information  including the likely hood of settling the transaction without a dispute arising.

Self Governed and Regulated

 Based on the universal law of the Bible
‘ Love your fellow as yourself ‘

Fair Trader governs itself through a community voting system where each token represents a voting right. All registered mediators and supervisors are individual entities and do not work for FTP.

About us

What is Fair Trader?

Fair Trader allows the buyer and seller to insert a trusted person to both parties into the transaction in case a dispute arises between the parties.

Neither party can remove the funds unless the goods or services have been delivered according to the original agreement. 

Watch a 3-minute video:


Providing equal protection to both buyers and sellers alike

Resolve disputes without the need of lawyers and costly litigation.

Fair Trader provides a number of easy resolution options with access to skilled mediators around the globe. The mediator will speak your language and will be able to visit the site to inspect the goods or work completed.

The Mediator can reverse or forward the payment if one party refuses to co-operate. The mediator’s ruling can be appealed and reviewed by a community supervisor to ensure no bias.


Fair Trader Ecosystem

Fair Trader is more than just a utility token. It has its own self-sustaining and thriving economy and will provide genuine employment opportunities to mediators around the globe.

With three streams of constant revenue, the FTP platform will reward its token holders with 100% of revenue collected from each transaction.

As transaction volume increases, the FTP token should also increase in value in proportion to trade volume and popularity.

secure transactions

Why Blockchain?

The blockchain provides independency from third party vendors, adds security and transparency and delivers the  functionality needed to ensure fair, equitable contracts and agreements.


Transparent & Trusted

Difficult to Modify

Always On

Highly Secure

It’s Streamlined

Our Team

Fair Trader Faces

Asta Blockchain

Asta Blockchain

Blockchain Developer



Web Developer

Jeremy Treloggan

Jeremy Treloggan

Industrial Relations Advisor

Haider Yacoob

Haider Yacoob

CTO Blockchain Engineer

Imtiaz Ibrahim

Imtiaz Ibrahim

Project Manager

Zafir Akel

Zafir Akel

App Advisor

Eleisha McNeill

Eleisha McNeill

Mediator Approval

Abdullah Yacoob

Abdullah Yacoob

Full stack blockchain developer

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all in one place

Fair Trading Post

Know whom you’re dealing with by advertising
your goods or services for Free at Fair Trading Post