How does the Dispute & Resolution Platform work?
The Fair Trader platform enables the buyer and seller to include a mediator or a trusted person into the transaction process. The mediator can be a skilled tradesman, a software developer, an import/export consultant, a skilled negotiator or even a spiritual guide.
The users of the platform will be able to select mediators with various skill sets around the globe. The mediators will speak multiple languages and can provide invaluable advise about regulations and how to avoid pitfalls as well as resolve complex negations problems and inspect goods or workmanship (at a reasonable price or a small percentage of the transaction)
Transaction Flow
With our easy-to-use platform, we can make a difference together across the world for individuals conducting business transactions.
Transaction Types
Fair Trader will provide safe transactions, and other innovative options not currently being offered on leading Payment Gateways.
Our Future Mediators
Mediators can be a skilled tradesman, an import/export advisor or anyone else who has experience in resolving disputes in commerce.
Register as a Mediator
Don’t pay thousand of dollars for a franchise business! Excellent earning potential.
Free to register if you apply before 2022.